Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring is showing it's colours!

I thought with Spring coming on like it is it might be nice to share some pretty flower pics from near and far...
I just love it when the mustard appears....especially in large fields like this.
Then there is my dad's garden always full of wonderful blossoms...redbud, forsythia, snow balls, hyacinths, freesia...just to name a few.
This says Spring to me also...a stray bubble...just the thing to do on a warm Spring day!

A trip to Filoli is inspirational in the Spring.  Just look at those colour combinations.

And, it wouldn't quite be Spring without experiencing the beauty of Wisteria. So delicate and lovely.

Just a little taste of what Spring brings...go out and enjoy because it is always gone much too quickly!

Some of the photo credit goes to my Madison on this post...she is always amazing me with  her camera!

xoxo       Elizabeth

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A New Addition

We have a new kitty....we did not plan to have a new kitty....I really did not want a new kitty...but...
none the less...there is a new kitty living in our house.  Brian brought this kitty into the house and I kind of screamed and jumped when he did!  I don't know what I thought was in that cardboard box...after all why would he bring a snake or large spider or such into the house and then ask me to look at it?! But I really didn't want to see a kitty either.  Don't get me wrong, I love kitties, I have been known to have 5 or 6 of them at a time...in the past...when  I was young...not now...I didn't want to take care of a kitty now.
But then Madison saw the kitty - oh, she is such a kitty lover - and she said I will take care of the kitty...I will feed it, I will clean the litter box, I will teach it manners, I will love it and hug it...and she has done just that! Well to be perfectly honest we are still working on the manners thing...
This was a tiny kitty so it needed to be fed every 3 or so hours with this neat little syringe gadget...and Madison did that.  When the kitty got lost in the garage (the kitty was in the garage because I was sure he had all kinds of wild cat diseases...) she found the kitty. When the kitty was afraid she sat with the kitty.  She did all the Mama cat things and now to that kitty she is the Mama!

This kitty is a boy kitty...the only boy other than Brian in our house! And we named him Nick because we found him in December. Cute huh?! Some people have been known to call him Pic-nic...cute too huh?! And do you know what?
I love him too!
He is a bit of a Dickens...he lives in the bathroom a lot, cause he can't be trusted at large in the house on his own.  This is his favorite perch..and mind you that shelf used to be filled with all kinds of cute little antique bathroom items which he knocked right to the floor. Darn that Nick! But....I do love him and Thank You to Madison for being his Mama so I can just love him!

xoxo      Elizabeth Toel

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wedding Blues...just the colour of course!

As you all probably have figured out by now we spend a lot of time at the ballet studio!  This means that some wonderful relationships have formed.  As a group the mothers of the ballerinas call ourselves 'The Ballet Moms'.  One of these ballet moms is throwing a wedding for her eldest daughter this summer.  This particular mom is responsible for many of the wonderful creations in our Nutcracker.  She is capable of thinking in and out of the box and has rescued me several times when I just didn't know what to do next!

I wanted to do a little something for her to show my appreciation and to celebrate this event in her life that so many of us moms...ballet and otherwise...look forward to.  A shower is being held in a few months and many special tea cups have been gathered to create a tea party atmosphere.  I found these delightful little cups and thought they would work perfectly...but...just how I wasn't sure.

I thought and thought and then it hit me...they could be candy dishes! They needed a little something extra though...and so....

I made some tiny felt flowers and sewed them to a thin ribbon...
I tied one to each of the cup handles...

and Viola! Pretty little blue candy dishes!

I liked the end result so much it was hard to gift them away! But the smile and the thank you made it all worthwhile!

xoxo        Elizabeth