Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My 'other' life...

In my other life I am - The Crazy Costume Lady...

As a little girl I always wanted to be a ballerina.  Mom and Dad sent me to lessons - I have a vague recollection of a mirror, a bar, a lady teacher, and a big Irish Setter...maybe the ballet teacher had a dog?!

The way I remember it I went to my classes and then...there came time for a recital...I think the idea of a recital, getting up in front of everyone - just scared the living daylights out of me...so, I refused to go.  And that was the beginning and end of my ballet career.

Now I live vicariously through all the wonderful ballerinas at Merced Academy of Dance by being their Crazy Costume Lady!

I take care of the platter tutus - I think they are my favorites - don't tell the other tutus!

I help all the ballerinas and ballerinos stay organized...

I keep track of the hats....

...and sometimes the feathers....

                                 This picture is thanks to Stacy Avalos

Sometimes I make headpieces - like the one on Miss Briana...but if I am going to be honest...Lane actually made this one and I just attached it!  Of course she had to pass it by me first because I am a bit bossy and opinionated about things like that - truth be told.

There are little girl tutus....

and tutus for tumbling!

Pointe shoes...another love of mine.  I am envious of the beautiful girls that get to dance in them.  I am proud of the beautiful girls that get to dance in them.  And in my dreams...I dance in them!

Isn't this the perfect juxtaposition?  Top hat and pointe shoes....what could be better?

So they dance and I sew, they dance and I glue, they dance and I glitter....all the while being so happy to be a part of it all.

From dancing Miss Briana's Carousel ...

To Carol's beautiful Other Side (or as I like to call it The Kermit Dance)  a ballerina's life is not always easy...

First of all there is wearing those pointe-y shoes...

Then there is all that practicing...

and practicing...

and practicing....


And all the listening...because there will always be cleaning, and changes, and more changes...

...and no matter how tired you might be, or how much your feet might hurt...the show must go on!!!

So whether they are dancing a modern piece like Envy...

...a classical piece like La Bayadere

or a modern ballet piece like Shadow Fax...

These ballerinas (and the ballerinos too) give it their all...
150 percent every time they hit that stage....it's a special group and I am happy to say that I am their...
Crazy Costume Lady!!!!!!!!!!

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