Monday, July 5, 2010

Tomodachi Gakko

Gakko has begun!!!!!!!!

We set out our materials....

and got to work..........

The art room is a craaaaaazy much to get done and so little time.

This year we are working with Japanese patterns and of course our gourds or hyotan.

Our theme is 'Community' and so we are preparing a surprise (shh) for our teachers.

Without their hard work there would be no Tomodachi Gakko.

The community is what makes Tomodachi Gakko work...Cressy Elementary School opens it's doors for our classes - parents, grandparents, friends, aunts, uncles - everyone works together to make sure that there is a place to learn about the Japanese American culture.

We have high school students who volunteer...
giving back to the Gakko community that gave to them.

Friends are made at Gakko...

There are new things to learn...

and there is lots of fun to be had!

Everyone works hard to do their best...

And, the students never cease to amaze me with their interpretations of the projects!

So - we are off to a great we will be making some items to put in our hyotan vases.

Now, just imagine this same energy and fun in the kitchen where the students cook fried rice, make sushi and mochi - in the classroom where they learn the history of Japanese Americans, hear stories about the internment camps from people who were there and even work on a bit of Japanese!  There are dances to be learned, songs to be sung, taiko drums to play and even Kendo to is a week packed with culture, knowledge, family, much from so many.

Thank you to all those in the 'Community' who come together to make Tomodachi Gakko happen each and every summer.

xoxo   Elizabeth

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